Coronavirus – Covid-19 Update

Hazel, Danielle and I have been discussing what we should do about our swimming lessons and it is such a difficult decision. We are living in unprecedented times and can only take each day as it comes really. We are trying to find the correct balance in keeping ourselves, your children and all of our families safe with social distancing measures but at the same time trying to keep some normality, keep children active and trying not to disturb their learning to swim too much, also maintain an income because for myself and Hazel, swim teaching is our full time job.

I have also been in talks with DW Sports and they are remaining open but have told me that the clubs are very quiet at the moment so with this also in mind we have decided that we will aim to continue with the current course and re-evaluate at Easter. However, as a responsible swim school we will always put the health and safety of our instructors and customers first and we are doing all we can to ensure the highest standards of hygiene but we also need your help.

 I have carried out a risk assessment and made a few more changes to how we do things slightly.

  • As per my last email, please continue to follow the updated government advice and latest hygiene advice and if any member of the family displays symptoms please refrain from coming to lessons for 14 days.
  • If you or your child is in the group of HIGH RISK people then refrain from coming to the lessons.
  • If your child wears aids please help where possible to put those aids on your own child ready for their lesson.
  • Only 1 parent/guardian to accompany their child to lessons and leave any other family members at home where possible.
  • If you have more than one child swimming with us with space in between their lessons, please leave the club in between and return for the next lesson.
  • Disinfect (anti-bac) your hands after you’ve pushed/pulled door handles or touched your locker.


Please have your children WASH THEIR HANDS then bring your child onto poolside just before the start of their lesson (approx. 1 minute, no more), sit them down in the designated area (below), then leave the pool area completely and return to the café.

DW Bromborough – the children are to be seated in the corner by the store room door.

DW St Helens – the children are to be seated in front of the mirror closest to the lane.


Please return to pick up your children as normal but no more than 1 minute prior to the end of the lesson.

There is no question these are worrying times, but together with calm and sensible responses and accepting sound advice from official government authorities, we will all get through this.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Adele  & the AquaSafe team.